Thursday, 16 September 2010

This is a peace offering. I'm sorry for all the long and rather dull blog posts, but that's how my days have been so far: long and dull.
When the poster of Tommy Lee Jones gets replaced I will be very sad, especially if it's replaced by an advert that isn't as cool. Now follows a list of other nice things I've seen or experienced while I've been here.
- a boy at the gates of the elementary down the road from my dorm yelling ohayou gozaimasu (good morning) at me
- multi-story bicycle parks, cos you're not allowed to take them on the train
- the tune the trafiic lights in front of Takadanobaba play to say it's safe to cross the road
- the brightly lit and colourful arcades
- most people have clear umbrellas; a nice change to London where most people have black umbrellas
- girls in their school uniforms look so cool but, of course, they don't think that, I saw a group of them on the train yesterday afternoon rolling them at the waist to make them shorter. of course if I dressed in their school uniform when I go back to England, it'll look like I'm cosplaying every time
- drinks vending machines on every road, even little roads where it's just houses and no shops, but I've not seen any vending machines that sell things other than drinks (yet!)