Monday 20 September 2010

Good news: I found the local hyaku en (100 Yen) shop!
Bad news: when I got to the cashier I found that I'd forgotten my cash..

So I hurried out looking most embarrassed and sorry, headed over to the 250 yen meals place and bought lunch, then over to The Price for a few little things. I've finished eating lunch now, but don't fancy heading straight back out again. It's a 25 minute walk in a very subtly encroaching heat.When I first left it was cool and better than bearable outside but as I walked the heat slowly became more noticeable. I hope Autumn comes soon.

In my last post I'd said that we have a freshers' fair and opening ceremony today but I'd made a mistake. They're tomorrow, while today is Respect the Aged Day and some shops are closed. But I don't actually know what this holiday entails.

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